Cajun Knights

Cajun Knights

In this Cajun Fire sequel, Marc Delaterre has barely survived the havoc of the Civil War in south Louisiana. Now he begins experiencing the evils of Reconstruction. His son Duc has joined the Knights of the White Camellia. This clandestine organization targets carpetbaggers and the hapless freedmen who have become political pawns in the hands of the hated Republicans. 

Duc, as a Knight, is involved in the acts of brutality, especially against the freedmen. In doing so, he discovers in himself a flaw so terrible that he cannot tell anyone, nor live with it. Marc, learning of his son’s actions, is horrified and decides to root out the evil in the boy. In trying to help his son, Marc reveals information to him that slowly begins to destroy Duc. 


The cover picture shows the ruins of The Cottage. This plantation home, built in 1825 along the River Road south of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was destroyed by fire in 1960. These ruins, now protected as an historical site, belong to the Bailey family of Baton Rouge. They have graciously consented to the use of this photo to set the tone for the novel. 

Reader Comment

"...very well done. I thoroughly enjoyed it."
Steve M., North Palm Beach, Florida

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